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When Exactly Should You Take CBD?

When Exactly Should You Take CBD? Million of Americans have tried CBD and reaped its benefits. One of the hardest things about CBD is understanding when to use it. Does this chemical work better during the day or at night?…

Quick Guide to CBD Oil and Its Benefits

Quick Guide to CBD Oil and Its Benefits CBD oil became the buzzword in the world of health improvement(1). With so much information out there, it’s easy to get confused about what CBD oil actually is. In this quick article,…

Should You Refrigerate Your CBD Oil?

Should You Refrigerate Your CBD Oil? There’s a lot of evidence out there for CBD’s medical benefits, including its ability to help with things like anxiety, sleep issues, and depression. Right now, it is still considered an alternative medicine, though…

How To Store CBD

How To Store CBD? Just like any other natural compound, CBD can deteriorate over time; therefore it is important to have proper storage to ensure maximum potency and quality. Becoming more of a trend each day, CBD is noted for…

CBD Frequently Asked Questions

In search of answers to your most common questions about CBD? Please reach out to our Luvive Customer Support Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm PT or send us an email at service@luvivecbd.com. What is CBD?CBD stands for cannabidiol,…

Could CBD help your hangover?

Could CBD help your hangover? What if CBD could help cure your hangover? CBD is a wonder drug, that’s helpful for everything from epilepsy to insomnia (1), so the chances of it helping your hangover pain are good. Let’s start…

Could Hemp Help Save The Bees?

Could Hemp Help Save The Bees? Bees are a powerful force of nature who creates pure and delicious honey, but that’s not even the best thing they do. Bees are nature pollinators and the very key to providing the world…

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