We have a 30-day money-back guarantee on all Luvive CBD products. We greatly value you as a customer so for any reason, if you are not satisfied, or your product was damaged when arrived, we will happily replace it at no cost to you, including free shipping).

If your product was damaged during shipping, you must email us a photo of the damaged or broken product, inside the shipping box in which it was shipped. This photo is required so we can process the replacement. When we received your photo of the damaged or broken product, we will ship a replacement product to you immediately. To begin the process, please complete the information below include a) your order number, b) your photo of the damaged product, and c) a short explanation of the damage. We will then ship the replacement product to you.

If you are not satisfied with your product, we will grant you a refund for your product purchase once you return your product to us. When we receive your returned product, you will then be granted a full refund of your purchase price as a credit on your credit card. To begin the process of returning your product, please complete the information below include a) your order number, b) the photo of your shipping label (return your product), and c) a short explanation of your dissatisfaction.

You must contact us within 30 days of your purchase in order to receive your replacement product or refund to your credit card.